Learn with S.T.I.L.S.T.I.L. is here to help you.
Are you a middle/high school student, a traditional first-year college student, a nontraditional college student, an employee seeking professional growth, OR a person wanting to become a better reader, writer, and/or speaker? If you are, contact S.T.I.L. today! Educational consulting (college and career readiness) is also available! She Teaches & I Learn, LLC About S.T.I.L.: She is a certified English teacher who has been a secondary English teacher since 2008. She enjoys working with learners aiming to gain mastery in various English concepts/skills and college and career readiness. She also enjoys helping learners with specific school-related assignments. With her formal education and working experience, she knows that learning is achievable when teaching is customizable. Education- FMU B.A. Mass Communication B.A. English teacher certification Columbia College M.Ed Divergent Learning If she can be of assistance, please contact S.T.I.L. today. Happy Learning. |
Hourly rate for basic services: $27 Pay via PayPal (or $15 for half an hour Pay via PayPal) To be paid in full 24 hours before services are rendered when services are booked with a day or more notice. When 24 hours are not available, payment is required before the session begins. Tutor’s lessons: Online using Google Classroom and/or Google Hangouts (Contact S.T.I.L. if you need a timeframe outside the listed hours below. Additional fees may apply) Lesson cancellation: No refunds (S.T.I.L. Credit ONLY- Must be used within two weeks of the cancellation) Specific school-related assignments must be accompanied with assignment details and rubrics when applicable. Normal Schedule: Sun4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Mon4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Tue4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Wed4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Thu4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Fri4:00 pm - 8:00 pm SatNoon - 8:00 pm Contact S.T.I.L. if you need a timeframe outside the listed hours. Additional fees may apply. |
Contact S.T.I.L.: 864-381-8430 [email protected] You can contact S.T.I.L. via Remind, too! Text the message @stilsh to the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @stilsh to (518) 319-1550. |